
Pacific Media Expoのパンフレット
The first day of the convention is on Friday. Conventions in America are usually held during the weekend. Usually they start at the afternoon on the first day. It felt like a trial day, so there weren’t many attendees.
普通に買おうとするとフルで$60とか。Anime Expoとかの大規模イベントになると、$100近くいったりもします!!
ちなみに、今回のPMXは小規模イベントなので当日購入も余裕でしたが、NewYork Comiconなどの大規模イベントになると、事前にチケット争奪戦に打ち勝っておかないと、チケットさえ手に入りません><
American conventions offer discounts if you order your ticket well ahead of time. The price usually increases over time.
The price seems a bit more expensive than Japanese anime conventions.
For instance, a one-day ticket costs $40. Full-day ticket is about $60. The price is also different depending on the day you plan on attending. Being the day with the most activities, Saturday is the most expensive while Friday and Sunday are the cheapest.
Because the anime club at my college offered a discount for anime club members, I bought an all-con ticket for $40.
私の場合は三日間チケットなので、合計12時間働く必要があって、チケット代を考えると時給300円位……安!と思ったけれど、一度コン(海外ではアニメイベントのことをコン=conと呼びます)でのスタッフを経験してみるのも悪くないし、中の人と色々繋がれるのは美味しいぜぐへへということで、自分は三日間のAll Con Volunteerにアプライしたのでした。
There is a special trick so that you don’t have to pay for your ticket and that is doing volunteer work!
In most American conventions, we can volunteer on the spot.
In the case of PMX, we have to do 4 hours volunteer per day for a ticket refund.
Considering the cost of the ticket, it means $3/ hour, which is SO CHEAP!!!
Because I wanted to experience what it is like to volunteer at conventions in the States and connect with people who are working in the con, I decided to apply for the all-con volunteer position.
チケットに名前が!― The name on the ticket!!?
In US conventions, we are supposed to carry a badge with our name on it This name can be a nickname, but at the bottom, our real name can be found.
This may be to prevent fraud, but I believe badge names are used to encourage socialization among fans.
In the case of Japanese conventions, fans enjoy events as an individual rather than as a group.
Actually, I think it is an interesting idea to adopt a name tag system for Japanese conventions.
For example, in a doujinshi event, which is somewhat similar to America’s artist alley, something such as below often happens to me.
I wonder, “Is this person the actual artist or is this just a person selling on behalf of the artist? All right, I’ll try asking her!”
Me: “Are you [artist name]-san? Thank you for always giving me something fun to read.”
The Person Behind the Table: “No, I’m not [artist name]..”
I think many people hesitate to speak to the artists because they are afraid of this happening. (Maybe this is a Japanese thing?)
So I think using a name tag at a doujinshi event can be one option….Or maybe it is too embarrassing. ^^;
For the next post, I will write about detailed programs at the convention!
Thank you from the bottom my hear to C, who helps me translate this post!