再び、アメリカのアニメイベントPacific Anime Expoを例にとりながら、アメリカ特有のファン活動について紹介していきます!今回は、ちょっとだけアダルティでびっくりなアメリカならではのイベントも紹介しますよ!
This time, I will talk about the anime fan activity in the US found in Pacific Media Expo, especially about kinda ecchi program I found (and got surprised) at Anime Event in the US!
Maid Café @ anime convention
メイドカフェはアメリカのアニメコンベンションでは人気の企画で、アメリカ最大のアニメイベントであるAnime Expoではチケット売り切れていました。また、以前フランスの小規模なアニメイベントに行ったときもありました。
Maid café was open during the convention in one of the room of the hotel venue. Maids seem amateur fans who are wearing maid costumes. Anime Expo also had maid café, and it was so popular that all the tickets had gone when I checked it. I had been in anime convention in France, and I also found maid café there.
Maid café appeared in many anime, and since it is a unique culture of Japan, so that might be the reason why many people want to try it.
Speed Dating!!!

I was close to scream “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?” when I first saw this program ^^;
In Japan, we have similar activitiy called Gou-con (an abbreviation of Goudou-companion, which means mixier, or joint party), but we rarely do this in anime fandom much less in conventions. (There are a few exceptions… I will write about it another time)
In this speed dating, first female participants sit on the seat in the room, and male participants enter the room one by one. Then a female and a male participant talk with each other. They switched the person to talk with every one or two minutes.
There is no anime essence here!!! But considering conventions in the United States put importance on socializing, it can be regarded as adherent with the spirit of the convention.
And what is more, conventions in America are held in a hotel……so maybe…
着ぐるみパーティー Kigurumi Party!
合コン会場の隣で行われていたのも矢張りファン同士の交流企画、「Kigurumi Pajama Party =着ぐるみパジャマパーティー」!
Next to that speed dating room, there was a room for Kigurumi-pajama-party, which was another socializing event!
In Japan, we imagine these things (photo above) from the word Kigurumi, but in the united States, Kugurumi means like this photo below.
I can find so many people wearing these kigurumis in anime convention. In Japan, not so many people because there is no direct association between anime and kigurumi (but for western fandom, these two are both Japanese culture so that’s why they find a connection between two)
This Kigurumi pajama party is a program where fans wearing kigurumi play musical chairs and other games.
Everyone seems having fun!
What surprised me about anime event in the US was how open they are about porno-like anime. There are screening of hentai anime in anime conventions. Although i have been a great fan of anime, actually i thought these hentai materials can be found only in fan arts and did not know that they are common even in officially released anime…!And I got was surprised that so many anime fans accept the these dirty side of anime and love anime as a whole.
アメリカには、こうした危険なアニメやHENTAIゲームを主に輸入している、FAKKUという会社があります。多分、F○ck youを日本人が発音したのを面白可笑しく英語に直して名付けたのでしょうね。

All these events were held at the night of second day of the convention. That night, I, as a volunteer, was assigned a room in Hilton hotel and stayed there.
My roommate were also volunteer stuff who I met after arrival.
一人はペルソナが大好きでAniplexへ今度放送されるペルソナの映画をアメリカでも是非上映して欲しいとの嘆願書をオンラインで集めている大学院生。Facebookで繋がろうとしたら既に共通の友人が3人もおり、あれ?と思ったら、何と昨年大陸の反対側、東海岸はMITで私と同じ時期に勉強していたことが発覚!It’s a small worldですね。
One of them is a great fan of Persona, and she is collecting a petition online in order to ask Aniplex to bring Persona movie to the united States.
We found 3 mutual friends on facebook when we tried to connect with each other, and it turned out that we had been studying in the same college last year (MIT)! It’s definitely a small world ^^
The other volunteer came to do volunteer at PMX only because her cousin asked her! But she said she enjoyed it. Surely she is also on of the funny people I met ☺
In the next post, I gonna write about industry hall and artist alley, which are equivalent of Japanese anime convention Comic Market!