Today, I will write about Masquarade, an unique cosplay contest which is indispensable in anime conventions in the United States!

弱虫ペダルがこの秋は多いですね〜!男女両方のレイヤーさんが五分五分といったところなのが珍しい!しかも、黒バスやハイキュー!等の他のアニメコスが、結構「着ただけ」の人が多いのに、弱ペダは何故か締まった人が多い… 衣装自体も締まっているからか!
私も7月に行われたAnime Expo2014では、男女混合14人でひとつの部屋に泊まりました…!玄関空けた瞬間から床は歩くスペースも無い位人が転がっていた…。大抵あまりの人気ぶりに開催ホテルは予約開始直後に満室になってしまって、周辺ホテルも経済効果のおこぼれを受けたり^^
(I wrote a quick note in the Japan-US convention comparison in the previous post)
Anime conventions in the United States are usually held in a big hotel. Besides, it’s often the case that these hotels are luxury hotels like Hilton. Participants from all over the wide nation book the hotel months before, and stay there during 3 days conventions to enjoy the con literally from morning to night.
It is common especially for students, to stay in the same room with r to 10 of their friends to split the bill (of course…yes, secretly.)
I myself stayed in a twin room with 14 (!) people (including both males and females!) I remember people were lying down on the floor even from the entrance space of the room…
Usually the rooms of the very hotel where the convention takes place are sold out quickly, so the hotels surrounding it also enjoy the beneficial economic effect of the con ^^

Holding cons at hotel is also beneficial for cosplayers, since they can take time to change clothes in a room, go back to their room any time to fix their props, and take some hotel dating photos in a room~♡
People who don’t stay in the hotel also enjoys the pros. They can change into costumes in a clean restroom!
Restrooms in a luxury hotel! Big! Clean! Huge mirrors with makeup space. Tissue paper~! I’ve never had trouble changing my clothes in the con in the US ^^!
コミックマーケットを初めとする大規模コスプレイベントでは、一人50cm×50cm(about 20inch×20inch) 程の超小さなスペース(床)に座って、周りの人に当たらないよう細心の注意をしながら着替えをします…常にごめんなさいの応酬><鏡は勿論持参で、足の間に置いたスーツケースの上に折りたたみ鏡を立てたり。
Many of my cosplay friends abroad get surprised to be told about this, but cosplay costume change environment in Japan is really bad, actually…
In a popular cosplay event like comic market, we are supposed to change our clothes in an about 20×20 inch square on the floor, paying a close attention to other people. We are always keeping saying “Excuse me” because we just can’t help but hit other…We need to bring our own mirrors, and use it on the suitcase which we need to put between our legs sometimes ^^;
To be honest, for me, it is too hard.
When I only know the cosplay situation in Japan, it was natural for me, but after experiencing cons in the United States, I feel this situation in Japan should be improved.
It’s understandable since Japan has larger cosplay population and has more social restriction towards cosplay (which means we have only limited location to do cosplay.)

In Japan, cosplay is only allowed in a limited space, even in the con. In the US, on the other hand, osplayers can walk around freely as long as it is inside the convention area.

In the convention in the US, we can find many cosplayers with amazing props.
There are fewer restriction for props in the US convention, so it might be one of the reasons.
(In Japan, usually there is a height/ width restriction for cosplay props)
On Saturday night, there was a masquerade cosplay contest. Masquerade is a program which ranks a top of the popularity in many conventions in the United States.
日本ではコスプレって静止画中心で、「一枚のイメージ画としての美や再現度」重視なところがあると思うのですが、海外では動きのあるパフォーマンスと、あとはDIY=Do it yourself、自作衣装のお披露目場、という側面が強いです。そのために、パフォーマンスとしてのコスプレコンテストであるmasquaradeが行われるのですね^^
日本でも最近こうしたコンテストやショーが増えて来た気がします。World Cosplay Summitのコスプレコンテストはまさにmasquaradeの世界大会ですね。
In Japan, the essence of cosplay lies in a still photo, and people focus on “How we can create a beauty or recreate the scene inside one picture” but oversea cosplay situations, on the other hand, emphasize the dynamic performance and DIY spirit = how much you dedicate yourself to making the costume.
However, I feel that these performance-oriented cosplay contest is increasing in Japan, too. World Cosplay Summit, held in Japan annually can be regarded as a international masquarade contest!
Performance is so diverse, from recitation, drama, chorus, comedy, voice acting, dance, etc!
In the next post, I will write about AMV, a popular fan activity in the US anime fandom!
See you there~!